
Lack of meaningful work, along with economic hardship, is an issue for vast numbers of blind persons. Unemployment in the developed world may be about 75%1, and is likely much higher in developing nations.

Microfinance groups (including savings and credit associations and micro-finance banks) help individuals have access to steady income and lump sums of cash for critical needs, often by using group relationships to help qualify trustworthy individuals. Sometimes microfinance provides upward economic mobility; it almost always allows the poor a firmer footing, the ability to begin to plan for the future, and a chance to step back from a constant financial cliff.

Christ-centered microfinance training is a natural avenue for evangelism and discipleship, as it looks at what God has to say about wealth, work, savings, giving, etc., as well as allowing introductions to relational healing through solid local churches. If you would like to know more, here is summary video of one approach.

RBI has identified Biblically-based microfinance programs in a number of developing nations that welcome blind members. Please contact us if you know of someone who would benefit from plugging into one of these programs.

1 Euroblind.org
Ghana group meeting

India group meeting

Collecting loan payment

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