Group of blind children riding in a cart at outdoor camp
Woman with audio Bible
Blind disciplemaker with guitar and group
A grandmother holding her blind child
Smiling girl after cataract surgery

Giving to RBI

Thanks for partnering with us by giving towards the work of Resources for the Blind International!   All donations are tax-deductible and, to meet IRS requirements, RBI maintains full control and discretion over all gifts.

Some options for giving:

Credit card or eCheck (through our payment processor, National Christian Foundation)
Donate Online

Paper check
Resources for the Blind
516 Nobscot Road
Knoxville, TN 37919
Make checks payable to "Resources for the Blind".
If giving envelopes would be helpful, let us know.

Donor Advised Funds
National Christian Foundation
Fidelity Charitable
Schwab Charitable/DAFgiving360
National Philanthropic Trust
Vanguard Charitable

Account name: Resources for the Blind International, Inc.
ACH and Wire routing number: 084009519
Account number: 9600014657262434

Stock, mutual funds, or other assets
Contact us. You may be able to greatly increase your gift's impact by giving appreciated assets (pre-tax) through organizations like the National Christian Foundation (or contact Joel at or 865-403-9006). Watch this short informational video about this effective way of giving (to any non-profit):

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