RBI's logo of two people walking (one with a cane), along with a group shot of blind children looking up and smiling.

...because the world's 36 million blind are not an endless pool of need, but a vast reservoir of potential disciplemakers.

Partnering with other ministries to deliver Gospel content in thousands of the world's languages with intuitive, easily-charged, low-cost audio players.

May 2024

Hopeful Glimpses

One of the hardest parts of distributing SeedPlayers is often just getting them into a country. Varying airline policies on lithium-ion batteries, limited carry-on capacity of even willing travelers, unpredictable TSA checks, marginal or non-existant postal systems, and capricious import restrictions all compound to make things difficult.

So late last year, when a trusted partner offered to engage his network of colleagues traveling to a meeting in Manila, we jumped on it.

If we turn everything just right, we can get ten SeedPlayers in this official looking box.

A ten-pack of SeedPlayers
200 SeedPlayers ready to go out by FedEx

Two boxes in each of ten FedEx packages sent all over the US to departing travelers meant 200 players, allocated roughly by language preference in Tagalog, Cebuano, Ilocano, Hiligaynon, Pangasinan, and Pampangan.

In this way we can cover the national language and most of the trade languages that the blind speak.

Handing over the SeedPlayers to our blind disciplemakers

Once everything was reclaimed from the travelers in Manila, the precious cargo was handed over to Joel and Jay Rick, two of our blind disciplemakers (with their sighted guide).

And then we waited.

Several accounts have now come back, and I wanted to share two:

Sapphira listening to her player

Sapphira is eight years old and blind. She received her audio Bible last December. According to her mom, she enjoys listening to her Bible, especially the dramatized portion. She stops only if it is time for her to sleep.

Rovic was a blind high school student, who cherished the gift of an audio Bible. Despite his zest for life and attending gatherings, particularly when invited by RBI, Rovic faced a challenging reality. Diagnosed with a critical heart condition, doctors gave him just one month to live. We asked about surgical options, but were told none were possible.

In the midst of uncertainty, the audio Bible became a source of solace and inspiration for him.

(Note: Four days after we received the above account, Rovic died. We are hopeful that he is now enjoying the perfect presence of our Lord!)

Rovic listening to his SeedPlayer

Thanks for your partnership in this ministry.

Blessings in Christ,



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