Local outreach is not our primary mission, but it really feels like the Lord is in this. So we have begun to respond by listening, praying for guidance, sending an expanding list of local resources, offering a free audio Bible player, and trying to be a bit more prepared for the next call.
Secular organizations and government programs offer some logistical support, but obviously, a loving, caring body within the local Church is much of the Life-giving answer for most of these folk, and may eventually lead some to Christ or help to disciple them. I've met with the local Joni and Friends staff, and have interactions scheduled with some churches with caring ministries, though most of these seem geared toward children or the developmentally-disabled.
Would you please pray for wisdom in how to proceed, that others will come alongside to help, and that we will be able to identify (and/or encourage) the local Church to step into this need?