..because the world's 36 million blind are not an endless pool of need,
but a vast reservoir of potential disciplemakers.
November 2022
The Bookcase
This month, we could talk about opportunities in the Philippines, Ukraine, and several more places. Or about some of the incredible folk that God is bringing alongside us, to use their unique skills in a variety of ways. Or how He seems to be opening doors to help address the broken "middle mile" of gospel content distribution. We are deeply thankful for all of these and, Lord willing, will report on them shortly!
But this month, I'd like to talk about a bookcase.
The new SeedPlayer model, showing the front with buttons and speaker, and the back with a solar panel.
Funny looking bookcase, huh?

But that is exactly what this is. This SeedPlayer can hold a full audio Bible, and you can move through it by section, book, chapter, and within a chapter. Actually, it can hold many Bibles. Plus hymns and spiritual songs, gospel teaching or catechisms, evangelistic materials, dramatic presentations, Bible storying sets, testimonies, children's Bible stories, health or refugee information, and ??

You can listen through earbuds, or with the built-in speaker, or a whole church can listen with an external speaker. You can charge it with the solar panel on the back or with a cellphone charger. We can even alter the color, to correspond to a national flag, or for variety in a classroom or among a group.

We can distribute this bookcase for about $10. But we don't sell it. Instead, we work together with like-minded people and organizations to source, assemble, and load them for specific outreach projects. And we do this in partnership with generous ministries that provide the audio Scripture and other gospel content in thousands of languages.
So, this isn't really about one bookcase, but many. By God's grace, volunteers are gathering to assemble them regularly, and we've sent out hundreds in just the past few months -- to the blind in Ethiopia and Mozambique, the homeless in Oregon, and Bible teachers and students in Kenya and Pakistan.

Many of you helped make all this happen. Praise be to God!
Blessings in Christ,