..because the world's 36 million blind are not an endless pool of need,
but a vast reservoir of potential disciplemakers.
Since beginning with RBI several years ago, the Lord has laid three great themes on my heart. Additionally, He is increasingly convicting me that only through prayer will we understand that difficulties are actually His opportunities, have wisdom to proceed, accomplish anything eternal, reach the sort of scale that the Gospel harvest demands, and see others come alongside. This month, I'd like to touch on these themes.
The first theme is that the blind are not [merely] an endless pool of need, but a vast untapped reservoir of disciplemakers, and that RBI seems to have a promising discipleship model in the Philippines that might be adapted in other countries. We have a core group of ten disciplemakers with whom we are working, each of whom is faithfully working with and ministering to a number of blind folk. It is a privilege to serve with them. Would you pray:
- For a God-honoring approach to discipleship. While each situation is unique, as this work scales up, we need processes that facilitate working with multiple disciplemakers, and training resources that are generally applicable to different languages and cultures.
- For leadership direction in this program. I am trying to discern if the Lord may have someone else to come alongside and perhaps take a leadership role in this, either from the Philippines or elsewhere. It would be really helpful to find a passionate trainer in this area (like those the Lord has brought alongside for the themes below).
Second, since most blind folk don't read braille, inexpensive audio devices are key to evangelize and disciple both blind and sighted folk. This has resulted in SeedPlayer.org, where we are developing a family of low-cost audio players to complement more feature-rich players, phones, and radios that are already available. Recently the global integrated circuit (chip) shortage has impacted us. Our current supplier is unwilling/unable to produce additional boards for our players. Would you:
- Pray that we will know how to proceed in terms of suppliers and devices, and that the Lord will grant us favor with others.
- Trust God that this difficulty is, in fact, His opportunity to lead us in ways that are pleasing to Him.
- Thank God for bringing alongside a volunteer in Oregon, David Lind, who has become invaluable in introducing others to SeedPlayers, digging up new ministries that might benefit, and proposing directions and ideas to pursue.
Third, there must be a better way to discover and access Gospel content (Scripture, Bible storying, teaching, testimonies, worship music) in the world's languages for these devices. The current process is often cumbersome (scores of websites to search), slow and opaque (a request that I made months ago has been handed-off four times, and is now somewhere in committee), and expensive (licenses for mass-distribution of Bibles shouldn't cost almost as much as the player). This has birthed GospelAccessPartners.org (GAP) -- partners working together to discover, access, and distribute Gospel content in any language, and by any media. Would you:
- Pray for additional partners to join us who understand this need and would benefit from working together.
- Pray for favor in the eyes of providers as we approach them for more flexible, efficient, economical licensing of content.
- Thank God for great co-workers like the team at Audio Scripture Ministries, who have come alongside, provided discerning counsel, and feel this need acutely in their own distribution efforts.
In conclusion, two additional requests:
- If any of this has resonated with you and you can offer a suggestion or contact, take a minute right now and send me an email.
- What great themes is God laying on your heart? I'd love to hear about them.
Blessings in Christ,