October 2019

Drinking from a Fire Hose

A navy sailor practices using a fire hose.  Public domain_ U.S. Navy Photographer_ MC3 Mel Orr

Mind you, I've never actually done this.  And I don't intend to, having seen our dog, Daisy, drink from a garden hose at full force, which resulted in much sputtering, hacking, and general hilarity.

My point is that my wife Beth and I feel like we are drinking from a fire hose after attending the International Orality
Joel and Beth in front of the NYCB church
Network (ION) conference in Toronto recently.  And no, as one of the attendees had to explain to a family member, this was not some sort of dental convention, but rather a meeting of people interested in oral methods of Scripture distribution, evangelism, and discipleship.

Hosted by some incredible folk at the North York Chinese Baptist Church, we came home with an abundance of leads to follow up regarding three of the tools we are developing for the blind (which also have application for sighted folk).  To try to give you a feel, here are just some of the leads:

Low-cost audio players
  • A ministry to children looking for non-visual tools for the blind children that they are increasingly encountering.
  • A distribution opportunity with women affected by trauma, using the stories of Jesus' care for women.
  • Over dinner, excitement about using audio players from some workers who train pastors and leaders in Cameroon.
  • A possible application of low-cost players to a ministry focused on Scripture memory.
Online gospel audio library
  • A chance to partner with a Canadian group that uses volunteers to record Christian books for the blind.
  • An introduction to a clearing house of Scripture materials that may be accessible to us.
  • A contact at Global Recordings Network (formerly Gospel Recordings) to try to get access to their material in thousands of languages. 
A radio station search tool (by language and location)
  • An opportunity to partner with a ministry which supplies gospel radios and transmitters around the world.
  • An additional radio broadcaster with whom we might cooperate in a new region.
Many of these leads may go nowhere; but some seem to hold great potential.  Pray that we would have wisdom in following up those that are of the Lord, and that He would open and shut doors as He wills.  If you have questions or suggestions on any of these, or want to assist, please reach out.

Thanks so much to each of you who has prayed or given over the past years to make possible these many opportunities!

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