October 21, 2017
Dear Friends,
When I took this picture 35 years ago, we knew it was the "Big Picture." 

Dad (RBI Founder, Arthur Lown) and Mom (center) had just received the first braille copies of the Filipino Gospel of John.  We piled into a van and gathered as many blind folk as we could.  Having been changed by God's Word ourselves, we were beyond eager to get the boxes torn open and the bulky volumes into people's hands.  A lot of folk went home that day with a new resource that they could access on their own.

Today, the Picture is much Bigger.  The Philippine crew -- under the able leadership of Amy Mojica and the Board -- reaches into every corner of that great nation with a truly staggering array of practical educational, medical, social, vocational, and other services for the blind.  And, blind pastors and teachers lead studies with blind students, and follow up with discipleship materials and summer camps.  Some of these students are sent to become pastors and teachers, who then lead studies . . . do you see where this is going?  How absolutely cool is that!  (Pray for the Philippine Board, that they would have godly wisdom to guard and grow this glorious spiritual heritage.)

But God has an even Bigger Picture.  He is preparing a Marriage Feast, and most of the world's 39 million blind folk don't even know they are invited.  There are many countries with needs as great as the Philippines.  What would it look like to stop seeing the blind merely as a population in need, and start seeing them as a vast resource of undiscovered disciple-makers, who by the very nature of their disability are often less distracted and more determined than some of us?  (Like, say, any army of folk like my Dad, who was himself blind.)  How would you find, equip, and send them to the nations?

When Jesus wanted to provide a feast, He asked His disciples what they had at hand.  Here is what RBI has:
  • A great legacy, and a strong foundation of very good work and very capable workers in the Philippines.
  • A precious baton, passed last week from the former Executive Director Jon, and the Board of Pat, Mike, Tim, and Barney.  Thanks so much, guys!
  • A part time, volunteer Executive Director and new Board of Monty, Connie, Jewel, Mark, and Jim, who love the Lord and want to honor Him above all.
  • A growing "special forces" core of folk that pray, and can be quickly deployed to target trouble spots.  If you'd like to enlist, you can do so here.
  • Few visible resources . . . but we have God, who loves particular, individual people deeply, and calls us to minister to the blind and make disciples.
Will you join us and play your part in the Big Picture, as God leads you?  See the opportunities listed here, or contact me directly if you have thoughts.
Joel Lown
Executive Director

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